The New Moon at 11 degrees of Virgo on Monday, September 2, heralds a powerful time of integration. Virgo is the sign or archetype, of the high priestess, integrating the heavenly realms with practical manifestations of what is possible here on Earth. Virgo is keen to transform daily life into acts of beauty and ceremony, and to cultivate a sense of productivity by “sorting through” the nonsense to get to what truly matters.
This can be a time of clearing-out whatever it is you no longer need in your life, especially because that is what New Moons tend to signify: a letting-go or releasing of the old, in order to create space for what is more relevant and meaningful to the life you wish to create. Maybe this looks like decluttering a space in your home, or maybe it looks like reassessing your possessions, your finances, or even your relationships.
I say this because Venus has a powerful placement in this New Moon…having just entered the sign of Libra, she is trining Pluto. This energy feels like a greater awareness of power dynamics in your relationships and perhaps a coming to terms with new understandings.
Venus is finally in a position of greater strength and power, as she is in her domicile in Libra, cultivating a greater sense of balance and diplomacy. Pluto is supporting her in this trine, as she undergoes this time of bringing what has been in the shadow into light. This could be subconscious material that you may not have been aware of, but also could indicate unhealthy patterns in your relationships that you are ready to release.
Saturn in Pisces opposes this New Moon, asking us to take greater responsibility for our work, our emotions, and our intentions. This is a great time to set into place a new healthy routine, particularly in the realm of food and exercise or meditation and breathwork. There is a sense of practicality with Saturn in this position as well, asking you to slow down and just choose one task at a time. Perhaps you have a lot of great ideas moving at a pace more quickly than you can possibly go. This moon is asking you to do what you can to take one step at a time in that direction towards your Higher Self.
Additionally, Mercury recently stationed direct on the 28th, and is moving out of its shadow period, so we are finally feeling ready to set into motion some of the plans that have been on hold. Perhaps you are feeling more motivated to get things done, or to incorporate some of the changes you have been trying to make but felt stuck. There is a forward-moving momentum now, yet we still are needing to be discerning as we pick and choose the right path, rather than overloading ourselves.
Also, this week we are feeling the transition of Pluto back into the sign of Capricorn on September 1st, where he will spend his last run through the final degrees of this sign until Pluto leaves Capricorn in November. Pluto will not return to Capricorn for another 248 years, so this is big, slow energy moving in the areas of your life you have been deeply changing. If you have anything in the last degrees of the fixed signs, you may be feeling this energy of transformation more profoundly. This could arise as a recognition of whatever you have been trying to build pertaining to the Capricorn area of your chart. Pluto offers opportunities for learning, and this is a last stop to try to get those Capricorn lessons right.
When Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, it brought up an awareness around unhealthy economics and the power struggles created by finance in the collective, such as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. So, again, whatever it is for you that pertains to Capricorn themes of hard work, or a greater sense of what you are building, we will see some of these themes be revived in order to come to a close before Pluto stations direct and moves forward into Aquarius in November.
Additionally, Uranus stationed direct on September 1st, and this may have felt a bit like a speeding train that to came to a sudden stop. This transit triggers a lot of disruption from our normal path, as something comes into view that we cannot turn away from and we are forced to change course. You may feel jostled around a bit and disoriented, as Uranus draws focus towards spontaneity and ideas of freedom. This week might give you some realizations about how you - as an individual - can be more uniquely yourself.
So this is a big week! It feels like the start of a new chapter is absolutely upon us as we take on and begin to integrate some of the chaotic pieces that unfolded during our big, messy summer. Through the Astrology of September into October, there is an opportunity for us to begin to feel more open towards the lives that we are truly creating for ourselves — as a community, and as a human family.
There’s a shift in ‘doing the right thing’ that this Virgo New Moons highlights, setting off a chain of events towards an what feels like an upgrade in the collective vibration. You may be feeling more empowered to put your resources in the right place, to not be so isolated in the ways that you work, and to see how you can better serve your neighbors, friends, clients, etc. Even though Virgo is the sign of the sovereign, she absolutely cannot do it alone. Virgo is also the harvester, and realizes that it takes many hands to do this work. She wants to do it right, but she knows that she is empowered only by those footsteps came before her. Ancestry, family, and home are all vitally important themes we are working towards, especially as Mars enters Cancer on September 4th.
Mars will spend an unusually long time traveling through this sign, as Mars takes its back-and-forth retrograde period through Cancer and will be there until April of next year. Mars has a difficult time in this sign of watery emotion, and is actually in his traditional “Fall” in this sign, meaning he does not operate well. The hope is that we will leave this period of time with a greater sense of activation, self-motivation, intuition towards whatever it is in our life that we want to feel our protection and our love.
More on that next time! For now, take stock of what you can and can’t do, set intentions around what is practical, and allow this Virgo New Moon help you to clear out and refresh what needs refreshing in your life.